Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s message on the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as delivered by Mark Malloch Brown, Deputy Secretary-General, in New York, today, 13 December:
For most people in this room, today marks an important event: the day the General Assembly adopts the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. But for 650 million persons around the world living with disabilities, today promises to be the dawn of a new era -- an era in which disabled people will no longer have to endure the discriminatory practices and attitudes that have been permitted to prevail for all too long.
This Convention is a remarkable and forward-looking document. While it focuses on the rights and development of people with disabilities, it also speaks about our societies as a whole -- and about the need to enable every person to contribute to the best of their abilities and potential.
Throughout the ages, the treatment of people with disabilities has brought out some of the worst aspects of human nature. Too often, those living with disabilities have been seen as objects of embarrassment, and at best, of condescending pity and charity. Societies have even gone out of their way to ensure that persons with disabilities are neither seen nor heard. On paper, they have enjoyed the same rights as others; in real life, they have often been relegated to the margins and denied the opportunities that others take for granted.
It was the community of the disabled themselves that worked tirelessly and insistently to promote this Convention, and the United Nations responded. In three short years, the Convention became a landmark several times over: it is the first human rights treaty to be adopted in the twenty-first century; the most rapidly negotiated human rights treaty in the history of international law; and the first to emerge from lobbying conducted extensively through the Internet.
We have already learnt from experience, in countries that have implemented legislation related to disability, that change comes more rapidly when laws are in place. Once the Convention is adopted, signed and ratified, it will have an impact on national laws that will transform how people with disabilities can live their lives. It will offer a way forward to ensure that those with disabilities enjoy the same human rights as everyone else -- in education, employment, access to buildings and other facilities, and access to justice.
It will not happen overnight. Much work remains to be done to produce the results that are aspired from the Convention. I urge all Governments to start by ratifying, and then implementing it, without delay.
This adoption happens to fall, in the Western Christian calendar, on the day of Saint Lucy, celebrated in some countries as the patron saint both of blindness and of light. Let us ensure that this day indeed marks a new dawn. Let it usher in an age when all those living with disabilities around the world become fully fledged citizens of their societies.
Monday, May 12, 2008
NCDA Administrative Order No. 001 Series of 2008
1. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9442 as amendment to Republic Act 7277, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons and For Other Purposes, these foregoing guidelines shall serve as a mechanism for the issuance of a Person With Disability Identification Card.
2. These guidelines have been formulated by the National Council on Disability Affairs in coordination with the Department of Health, Department of Social Welfare and Development, and Department of Interior and Local Government as provided for in Rule IV, Section 6.11 of the IRR.
3. Identification Cards shall be issued to any bonafide PWD with permanent disabilities due to any one or more of the following conditions: psychosocial, chronic illness, learning, mental, visual, orthopedic, speech and hearing conditions. This includes persons suffering from disabling diseases resulting to the person’s limitations to do day to day activities as normally as possible such as but not limited to those undergoing dialysis, heart disorders, severe cancer cases and such other similar cases resulting to temporary or permanent disability.
4. The Identification Card shall be the basis for the provision of certain special privileges and discounts to bonafide PWDs in the Philippines in accordance with RA 9442.
5. PWD-IDCs shall served as proof for availment of discount to ensure that persons with disabilities shall fully enjoy the benefits and privileges as provided for in RA 9442.
COD – Certificate of Disability
DILG – Department of Interior and Local Government
DOH – Department of Health
DOH-PPWDRS - Department of Health-Philippine PWD Registry System
DSWD – Department of Social Welfare Development
LGU – Local Government Unit
MC – Medical Certificate
NCDA – National Council on Disability Affairs
PWD-IDC – PWD Identification Card
PWD-RF – PWD Registration Form
PWD – Person With Disability
SWDO - Social Welfare Development Office
These guidelines on the issuance of PWD-IDC relative to Republic Act 9442 aim to:
1. Provide guidance to all local government officials, licensed physicians, local health officers, and government agencies in the issuance of PWD-IDC for the privileges and incentives provided for by R.A. 9442 to PWDs.
2. Facilitate monitoring by the appropriate government agency the use of the PWD-IDC.
3. Protect the establishments from illegitimate claims or fraudulent practices on the use of the PWD-IDC.
4. Ensure PWDs an easy availment of the privileges by providing the establishments a way to immediately identify the beneficiaries.
A. The Local Government Unit of the City or Municipal Office shall implement these guidelines in the issuance of the PWD-IDC.
B. The City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office shall:
1. Reproduce/Print the PWD-RFs to be filled out by the PWDs in accordance with the DOH Philippine Registry Form for Persons With Disability.
2. Reproduce/Print the PWD-IDCs.
3. Distribute the PWD-IDCs to their respective city executive’s office, municipalities, or barangays who shall take custody of the ID cards.
4. Enter or encode the data from the approved PWD-RF as forwarded by the City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain.
C. PWD-RFs or application forms can be obtained from any of the following registration centers or means:
1. Office of the Mayor
2. Office of the Barangay Captain
3. NCDA or its regional counterpart
4. DSWD offices
5. Participating organizations with Memorandum of Agreements with the DOH
6. DOH Online Registration - www.doh.gov.ph/pwd_registry
D. Issuance of the appropriate document to confirm the medical condition of the applicant is as follows:<Br>
Disability Document Issuing Entity
Apparent Disability Medical Certificate Licensed Private or Government Physician
School Assessment Licensed Teacher duly signed by the School Principal
Certificate of Disability
• Head of the Business Establishment
• Head of Non-Government Organization
Non-Apparent Disability Medical Certificate Licensed Private or Government Physician
E. PWD Registration Forms and ID Cards shall be issued and signed by the City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain. The City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain shall:
1. Use the NSCB Philippine Standard Geographic Code and sequential numbering system in the issuance of the PWD ID Number. Format is <> where:
RR = 2-digits Region Code
PP = 2-digits Province Code
MM = 2-digits Municipality Code
BBB = 3-digits Barangay Code
NNN = 3-digits Sequential No.
Issuing Facility NSCB Philippine Standard Geographic Code PWD ID No.
City of San Fernando, Pampanga 13-5416-000 13-5416-000-001
Municipality of Apalit, Pampanga 03-5402-000 03-5402-000-001
Sucad Barangay, Apalit, Pampanga 03-5402-013 03-5402-013-001
2. Ensure that the PWD ID No. is sequentially assigned or distributed to each PWDs.
3. Keep a record of all PWDs with ID Numbers issued and with the following data sets:
1. ID Number
2. Name of the PWD (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
3. Complete Address
4. Date of Birth
F. The DOH shall maintain the system and database of the DOH-PPWDRS in coordination with the NCDA, DSWD, DILG and LGUs. The official website is www.doh.gov.ph/pwd_registry.
Any bonafide person with permanent disability can apply for the issuance of the PWD-IDC. His/her caregiver can assist in the application process. Procedures for the issuance of the ID Cards are as follows:
A. Completion of the Requirements. Complete and/or make available the following requirements:
1. Two “1x1” recent ID pictures with the names, and signatures or thumb marks at the back of the picture.
2. One (1) Valid ID
3. Document to confirm the medical or disability condition (See Section IV, D for the required document).
B. Obtaining and Filling up of the PWD Registration Form. Obtain and fill up the PWD-RF using any of the following means:
1. Accomplishing the PWD-RF manually:
a. Obtain the form from any of the PWD Registration Centers.
b. Fill up accurately and completely the form.
c. Affix one (1) ID picture on the accomplished form, and staple the other ID picture with the PWD-RF.
d. Attach copy of the document to confirm the medical or disability condition with the PWD-RF.
2. Accomplishing the PWD-RF using the Online Registration System:
a. Log in to the DOH-PPWDRS and access the online registration.
b. Enter accurately and completely the required PWD registration data.
c. Print the accomplished form.
d. Affix one (1) ID picture on the accomplished form, and staple the other ID picture with the PWD-RF.
e. Attach copy of the document to confirm the medical or disability condition with the PWD-RF.
C. Submission of the Accomplished PWD-RF and Issuance of the PWD-IDC. Submit to the City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain the accomplished PWD-RF with the attached requirements. The City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain shall:
1. Check and/or verify the data and document to confirm the disability or medical condition of the applicant.
2. Assign a PWD ID Number (See Section IV, E) and affix on the PWD-RF.
3. Fill up the data required on the ID Card.
4. Issue the ID Card to the PWD.
5. Submit the Accomplished PWD-RF and attached requirements and/or documents to the City or Municipal Social Welfare Development Office for data encoding into the DOH-PPWDRS.
1. The PIC issued to the PWD shall be valid for three (3) years.
2. The initial PIC is free of charge.
3. Renewal due to expiration, loss or damage shall be charged a minimal fee for the new PIC.
The PIC shall serve as the Standard National Identification Card for PWDs, and shall be prescribed as proof of availment of the 20% discount and other benefits to persons with disabilities as provided in RA 9442. (See Annex B for the facsimile of the PIC).
Abuse by any person, corporation, institution and/or entity on the use of the PIC is punishable by law or can be penalized subject to the discretion of the ruling court.
Approved by:
April 23, 2008
Quezon City
1. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9442 as amendment to Republic Act 7277, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons and For Other Purposes, these foregoing guidelines shall serve as a mechanism for the issuance of a Person With Disability Identification Card.
2. These guidelines have been formulated by the National Council on Disability Affairs in coordination with the Department of Health, Department of Social Welfare and Development, and Department of Interior and Local Government as provided for in Rule IV, Section 6.11 of the IRR.
3. Identification Cards shall be issued to any bonafide PWD with permanent disabilities due to any one or more of the following conditions: psychosocial, chronic illness, learning, mental, visual, orthopedic, speech and hearing conditions. This includes persons suffering from disabling diseases resulting to the person’s limitations to do day to day activities as normally as possible such as but not limited to those undergoing dialysis, heart disorders, severe cancer cases and such other similar cases resulting to temporary or permanent disability.
4. The Identification Card shall be the basis for the provision of certain special privileges and discounts to bonafide PWDs in the Philippines in accordance with RA 9442.
5. PWD-IDCs shall served as proof for availment of discount to ensure that persons with disabilities shall fully enjoy the benefits and privileges as provided for in RA 9442.
COD – Certificate of Disability
DILG – Department of Interior and Local Government
DOH – Department of Health
DOH-PPWDRS - Department of Health-Philippine PWD Registry System
DSWD – Department of Social Welfare Development
LGU – Local Government Unit
MC – Medical Certificate
NCDA – National Council on Disability Affairs
PWD-IDC – PWD Identification Card
PWD-RF – PWD Registration Form
PWD – Person With Disability
SWDO - Social Welfare Development Office
These guidelines on the issuance of PWD-IDC relative to Republic Act 9442 aim to:
1. Provide guidance to all local government officials, licensed physicians, local health officers, and government agencies in the issuance of PWD-IDC for the privileges and incentives provided for by R.A. 9442 to PWDs.
2. Facilitate monitoring by the appropriate government agency the use of the PWD-IDC.
3. Protect the establishments from illegitimate claims or fraudulent practices on the use of the PWD-IDC.
4. Ensure PWDs an easy availment of the privileges by providing the establishments a way to immediately identify the beneficiaries.
A. The Local Government Unit of the City or Municipal Office shall implement these guidelines in the issuance of the PWD-IDC.
B. The City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office shall:
1. Reproduce/Print the PWD-RFs to be filled out by the PWDs in accordance with the DOH Philippine Registry Form for Persons With Disability.
2. Reproduce/Print the PWD-IDCs.
3. Distribute the PWD-IDCs to their respective city executive’s office, municipalities, or barangays who shall take custody of the ID cards.
4. Enter or encode the data from the approved PWD-RF as forwarded by the City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain.
C. PWD-RFs or application forms can be obtained from any of the following registration centers or means:
1. Office of the Mayor
2. Office of the Barangay Captain
3. NCDA or its regional counterpart
4. DSWD offices
5. Participating organizations with Memorandum of Agreements with the DOH
6. DOH Online Registration - www.doh.gov.ph/pwd_registry
D. Issuance of the appropriate document to confirm the medical condition of the applicant is as follows:<Br>
Disability Document Issuing Entity
Apparent Disability Medical Certificate Licensed Private or Government Physician
School Assessment Licensed Teacher duly signed by the School Principal
Certificate of Disability
• Head of the Business Establishment
• Head of Non-Government Organization
Non-Apparent Disability Medical Certificate Licensed Private or Government Physician
E. PWD Registration Forms and ID Cards shall be issued and signed by the City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain. The City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain shall:
1. Use the NSCB Philippine Standard Geographic Code and sequential numbering system in the issuance of the PWD ID Number. Format is <> where:
RR = 2-digits Region Code
PP = 2-digits Province Code
MM = 2-digits Municipality Code
BBB = 3-digits Barangay Code
NNN = 3-digits Sequential No.
Issuing Facility NSCB Philippine Standard Geographic Code PWD ID No.
City of San Fernando, Pampanga 13-5416-000 13-5416-000-001
Municipality of Apalit, Pampanga 03-5402-000 03-5402-000-001
Sucad Barangay, Apalit, Pampanga 03-5402-013 03-5402-013-001
2. Ensure that the PWD ID No. is sequentially assigned or distributed to each PWDs.
3. Keep a record of all PWDs with ID Numbers issued and with the following data sets:
1. ID Number
2. Name of the PWD (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
3. Complete Address
4. Date of Birth
F. The DOH shall maintain the system and database of the DOH-PPWDRS in coordination with the NCDA, DSWD, DILG and LGUs. The official website is www.doh.gov.ph/pwd_registry.
Any bonafide person with permanent disability can apply for the issuance of the PWD-IDC. His/her caregiver can assist in the application process. Procedures for the issuance of the ID Cards are as follows:
A. Completion of the Requirements. Complete and/or make available the following requirements:
1. Two “1x1” recent ID pictures with the names, and signatures or thumb marks at the back of the picture.
2. One (1) Valid ID
3. Document to confirm the medical or disability condition (See Section IV, D for the required document).
B. Obtaining and Filling up of the PWD Registration Form. Obtain and fill up the PWD-RF using any of the following means:
1. Accomplishing the PWD-RF manually:
a. Obtain the form from any of the PWD Registration Centers.
b. Fill up accurately and completely the form.
c. Affix one (1) ID picture on the accomplished form, and staple the other ID picture with the PWD-RF.
d. Attach copy of the document to confirm the medical or disability condition with the PWD-RF.
2. Accomplishing the PWD-RF using the Online Registration System:
a. Log in to the DOH-PPWDRS and access the online registration.
b. Enter accurately and completely the required PWD registration data.
c. Print the accomplished form.
d. Affix one (1) ID picture on the accomplished form, and staple the other ID picture with the PWD-RF.
e. Attach copy of the document to confirm the medical or disability condition with the PWD-RF.
C. Submission of the Accomplished PWD-RF and Issuance of the PWD-IDC. Submit to the City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain the accomplished PWD-RF with the attached requirements. The City or Municipal Mayor, or Barangay Captain shall:
1. Check and/or verify the data and document to confirm the disability or medical condition of the applicant.
2. Assign a PWD ID Number (See Section IV, E) and affix on the PWD-RF.
3. Fill up the data required on the ID Card.
4. Issue the ID Card to the PWD.
5. Submit the Accomplished PWD-RF and attached requirements and/or documents to the City or Municipal Social Welfare Development Office for data encoding into the DOH-PPWDRS.
1. The PIC issued to the PWD shall be valid for three (3) years.
2. The initial PIC is free of charge.
3. Renewal due to expiration, loss or damage shall be charged a minimal fee for the new PIC.
The PIC shall serve as the Standard National Identification Card for PWDs, and shall be prescribed as proof of availment of the 20% discount and other benefits to persons with disabilities as provided in RA 9442. (See Annex B for the facsimile of the PIC).
Abuse by any person, corporation, institution and/or entity on the use of the PIC is punishable by law or can be penalized subject to the discretion of the ruling court.
Approved by:
April 23, 2008
Quezon City
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