By Ana Kristina Arce
A Bilingualism and Deaf Education seminar was held in the DLS-CSB Auditorium last November 20, 2008 during the celebration of the Deaf Festival week. Mr. Raphael Domingo, a 3rd year student of the School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies, Vice-President of the Benildean Deaf Association, a deaf student organization in DLS-CSB, former President of the Philippine Federation of the Deaf and a member of the management committee of the World Federation for the Deaf-Asia Pacific, conducted the lecture.
Deaf participants and hearing teachers attended from
Bilingual is used to describe a person who uses two or more languages. For the Deaf, bilingual means that they use two forms of language to communicate: sign language and written English. When communicating with the hearing community, the Deaf use written English. With their fellow Deaf peers, medium of communication is sign language.
According to Raphael Domingo’s lecture, the Department of Education has two documents since 1997: Policies and Guidelines for Special Education from SPED Division and the handbook of Special Education from SPED Division. The first anchors Philippine deaf education on the philosophy of Total Communication and states “the medium of instruction should be Filipino Sign Language”. The second document recommends the use of Total Communication as “most advisable for … teaching the hearing impaired starting in grade three with English as medium of instruction.”
However, guidelines on bilingualism are still unclear. In the private and public schools, hearing teachers of the Deaf are not aware about Deaf needs. “There is one reason: most of the hearing teachers of the Deaf have learned FSL as a third or fourth language because they usually are used simultaneously with signed English”, Raphael Domingo explained.
Raphy Domingo shared his experience in the World Federation of the Deaf conference in
It is recommended that parents, who gave birth to Deaf children, send their deaf children to pre-school as early as they can for the deaf to learn their natural sign language. In
The Department of Education in the
According to Ms. Rosalinda Ricasa, if Filipino Sign Language supports the structure to English, Deaf students will be fluent in English. Otherwise, they will not develop in English.
As a Deaf student on my 4th year in college, I support the abovementioned recommendations because I have also experienced problems with Deaf literacy since I was a child. Hearing teachers of the Deaf should be trained on teaching methods appropriate for Deaf children. The natural sign language of the Deaf should be used in teaching the Deaf. Being fluent in Filipino Sign Language, the Deaf children are able to develop their literacy skills if learning is facilitated through their natural language.