The Benildean Deaf Association (BDA) conducted and led a fund raising seminar on rights of the Deaf titled “Deaf +Access = Success” last February 16, 2011 at the Augusto-Rosario Gonzales Theater on. It was a significant presentation and a knowledge sharing seminar which aims to support and empower abused Deaf women and children.
The said seminar provided the opportunity for all participants to discuss and be aware regarding PWDs and Deaf issues; on how to eliminate all forms of discrimination and abuse against women and children.
The guest speaker was Atty. Chato Olivar-Gallo, Vice Dean of DLSU College of Law Trial Lawyer for women, children and Deaf rights. She reinforced the anti-violence movement and primarily focused on the services that provide PWD, women and children protection.
She is advocating and making strategies for attaining legal access and safeguarding human rights for women, children and Deaf in the Philippines. She also highly encouraged Deaf people to express their rights, privileges and freedom.
In her lecture, she noted that there’s a law accessible to abused Deaf women and children, Republic Act 7277, also known as the Magna Carta for People with Disabilities. Punishments can be issued to those who violate this law, which include insult or ridicule, unfair judging and mistreatment of PWDs. If such is done many times, the higher degree of punishment will be granted with higher cost of penalty or longer time in jail.
Magna Carta 7277 declares “Disabled persons have the same rights as other people to take their proper place in society. They should be able to live freely and as independently as possible. This must be the concern of everyone – the family, community and all government and non-government organizations.” Atty. Chato Gallo believes that every Deaf person has the right to live in a violence-free atmosphere.
Unfortunately, many women with disabilities are up to three times more likely to be abused and at risk of being long-term victims of sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence as any hearing women victim that occurs frequently in the small areas in other part of provinces and Manila.
I have observed that PWD or deaf women who are uneducated and ignorant are often not believed when they testify or report the abuse to the police or in the courts because of their deafness or being disabled; so these hearing think they are not good witnesses. They are ridiculed and do not have the access to provide evidence because others may not understand or listen to what the disabled victims have to say even they are telling the truth; particularly, if they have difficulty to get the assistance in communicating through an interpreter. Such maltreatment may lead to injustice and unfairness and may cause them to be more vulnerable because they feel and experience powerlessness, indifference, despair, fear and inhumanity.
I am also a Deaf. I understand how it feels to be hurt and ignored. I have empathy with my fellow Deaf people who experience these abuses and injustice. From my viewpoint, it is very important to have public awareness and advocacy campaign of the Deaf in the society to support the efforts in propagating anti-violence movements and Deaf Human Rights so everyone may know more deeply about the Deaf.
PWDs and Deaf people are human, too. We are created by God in His image so no one could ever judge the Highest Creator for putting them on earth. God will be the judge to all humanity according to each of his/her deeds. I believe that the essence of humanity between the Deaf and hearing worlds comes when we recognize the Deaf capability “It is ability that matters, not disability.”
This is also relevant to other PWDs as well and let us inform everyone that we have the right to social security and empower our human rights. It is our hope that the hearing majority will have genuine concern for us and treat us as equals with respect and dignity.
Sign language interpretation and communication are the keys to having perfect harmony between hearing and Deaf. Empowering and helping deaf people especially those who experience violence encourage them to be strong and regain high self-esteem, be united, independent and productive members of society.
We should stop the abuse, marginalizing, and discrimination against illiterate and the poor. Justice and equality must prevail among us. So let us fight for our rights and freedom to express ourselves and to speak and not lose hope because God is on our side to continue the fight forever. He will never leave nor abandon us.
Jesusa Nofies is a BAPDST student of DLS-CSB. She is also the lone Deaf regular staffer of the Benildean.

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